Monday, October 27, 2008

Food Chains and Food Webs

In green science we learned about food chains and food webs. We did some different activities with them like played some computer games and made our own food chains on construction paper. This helped to understand what a food chain is and when you take more then one food chain you make a food web. We played the computer games on the smartboard were we took an animal and dragged it into it's correct box. This represented the energy flow from the producer, to the primary consumer, and then to the secondary consumer. Then, we took different food chains together and made a food web. A food web shows how more then one food chain interact with each other and together give energy. Finally, we labeled the order of some food chains on the smart board then cut them out on paper and mounted it on construction paper. This showed us a great visual on what a food chain is.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hawkings: If we survive next 200 years we should be safe!

Professor Stephen Hawking, holder of 12 honorary degrees and Lucasian Professor at Cambridge University's Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. He says that if humans start to look to space for new permanent home's we should be OK for the next 200 years. He says that it will be difficult to even survive the next 100 years. This I believe to be true because of all the new weapon technology world superpowers posses. For example, the military now employs robots to fight alongside the soldiers in combat zones. These robots are said to be more proficient killing machines then ever. Yet, robots are now being used to help wounded soldiers in the battlefield. Finally, there is now more nuclear weapons in all of the countries who can afford it and some countries are possible to use them. There is still hope Hawkings says. So long as we use wise judgement and learn more of space homes then we should survive. Hawkings is due to go on a space flight of his own in about a year.