Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dead Fish in NJ Lab

Today in science class we did a lab on how fish have been dieing in the Raritan by the millions overnight. The Raritan bay is located close to Rutgers University, which is in New Brunswick, and close to New York City which harbors the very polluted Hudson River. Yet, there are two other factors that affect this the biotic factors and biotic factors. The biotic factors are the living species in the bay. For example, lobster, osprey, the fiddler and horseshoe crabs, seabirds, fish such as stripped bass and bluefish, and bio plankton. The biotic factors are the non-living factors such as garbage, oil, cargo ships, pollution, zeo plankton, which is a plant, and the weather. Speaking of weather this has two major factors it affects. That is temperature and salinity of the water. First temperature can affect how the water temperature it can go from really cold to really hot. Then salinity is how much salt there is in the water and if it rains it adds water to the bay and decreases the salt which harms animals that need the salt water. Then, we looked at the temperature for the week that the fish died and it started off hot and rainy so there was a decrease in salt in the bay. Then the rest of the week was hot which allowed the zeo plankton to grow and pretty much dominate the ecosystem in the bay. Lastly, we divided into lab groups and did a lab on how rain affects the water on the coast of NJ. Fist, we added imitations of garbage and the pollution that affects our community then took a cup of water and sprinkled all over the model Raritan bay community and saw most of the pollution wash into the river. Then, we poured the water into a tube and repeated the steps except we changed one variable, we used sponges to act as salt marshes. This is because, salt marches are like sponges were they soak up the pollution to make the water a lot cleaner. So when comparing both tubes of water the one without the sponge was green and polluted with all kinds of waste. Then, the one with the sponge was a lot cleaner but still had some dirt in it. All in all, the fish died because of pollution which does not just affects are community but communities around the world.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Plasticity Lab Conclusion

In green science we did a lab activity on plasticity. Plasticity is a state in which the earth's mantle is in and that is when there is extreme pressure and heat it is a solid. Yet, when it relived of some of that pressure it becomes a hot gooey liquid. The lab activity included corn starch, a small amount of water, and a spoon. We first put a quarter cup of corn starch in then the water and stirred. As it joined together it was becoming more of a solid yet still a liquid. Then, each member of our lab group took a handful and rolled it around in their hands to demonstrate the extreme pressure on the earth's mantle. As, it was rubbed around it became a solid but when you stopped rubbing it became a gooey liquid. All in all, this lab was a fun actvity which clearly demonstrated the plasticity of the earth's mantle.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

October Sky Response

In school recently the Omega unit watched the movie "October Sky". Now I am going to type a long response for science so please try to learn. IN the movie there are two major connections to science/math and this years character education traits. Firstly, the movie was about the boys aspiring to make a rocket. What inspired the boys to build a rocket you may ask? Well the movie takes place during the 1950's when the Russians launched the first space satellite Sputnik. This satellite became a major crisis for the Americans cause the US tried to send satellites into space but failed. So naturally Americas greatest enemy, the Russians, had gained the upper hand on the US. Thus leading to the creation of NASA and a renewed effort to explore space. Yet, not only did it do this it helped Homer Hickim to cooperate with his two good friends and the rocket geek Quintin to build a rocket. Now they first, got books on rocket building. Rocket Science is probably the most difficult job to master. You need a strong understanding in physics, math, many different types of engineering, and flight. So, how in the heck would a group of teens from a coal mine town in Virgina be able to learn all that? Well, with enough determination you can overcome any obstacle which these boys certainly did by eventually building a working rocket that did not explode, unlike many of the other rockets they built. Which brings up a good point about exploding rockets. In part of the movie the four boys are arrested because it is believed that one of their rockets started a forest fire near where the boys shot off their rockets. Yet, Homer was able to prove that it was not their rocket by using math!!!! By using calculus he showed where his rocket landed and found it the day they shot it off. Now, the amazing thing is he learned that in a coal mine during his breaks. Now that's, showing some assertion because even though it seemed Homer had lost all hope of a future outside the mines he still stayed positive and eventually proved he could find a great future as a rocket scientist. All in all, the movie October Sky was a quality film with connections to science and a lesson about character education and to never stop pursuing your dreams no matter what.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Response to Angelman Syndrome

I have just read a blog about a genetic disease called Angelman Syndrome. It is a hereditary disease and is fatal. Symptoms include seizures, hyperactivity, hand flapping, sleep disorders, and movement and balance disorders. This disease inffects infants but science has been able to find ways to help the patient cope with their symptoms. It's truly amazing that patients with Angelman Syndrome are still able to live a long life. It gets extremely hard for them to cope sometimes but they still live their life to the fullest and that is very inspring. We can all learn a lesson about vauling our life and to be happy that we are lucky enough to live a normal life without those hardships.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tay Sachs Disease

Tay Sachs disease is a fatal genetic disorder discovered by ophthalmologist Warren Tay in 1881. It mainly infects infants of French, Canadian, Cajun, Eastern European and Ashkenazim Jewish descent. Yet, a child can only be infected if both of the parents are carriers of the disease. Tay Sachs is the effect of not enough activity of an enzyme called beta-hexosaminidase A. This enzyme controls the amount of a fatty tissue in the brain called ganglioside. Without the enzyme the ganglioside builds up in tissues and nerve cells in the brain that causes, firstly cherry-red spots in the eye. Then, deterioration of mental and physical abilities begins along with paralysis setting in. Other symptoms are blindness, deaf, losing the ability to swallow, dementia, seizures, and increased startle reflex to noise. There is absolutely no treatment for this disease, only anticonvulsants to control the seizures. Most of the money donated for Tay Sachs disease is gone to comforting the children who have it, because infected infants live to about the age of five. This disease is deadly and has no pattern. yes it is rare but it is still fatal and we need to vigorously search for a treatment otherwise many more infants well die.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Internet in the CARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it possible to go on the Internet and watch TV in your car? Well in March 2009 it well be possible. Ford well release a fully automated dash board , complete with a keyboard, that can and well access the Internet. Then, in the spring At&t well introduce a system with 22 TV channels. Business executives believe this new car well make sales go up, up, up! I believe this well be a great success and make cars a lot more fun.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

SBHS Food Drive Part Two

On February twenty-first through the twenty-second South Brunswick High School well be having a food drive to help the needy of the county which well ultimately help the town. Last year the students had raised 5,500 pounds of food for the needy. So far 350 students and between thirty and forty students have signed up to participate in the food drive. This years goal is 6,500 pounds of food. I believe this a great fundraiser and I wish them the best of luck. The locations they are at is the ShopRite on Route 130, and Stop and Shops on Routes 1, 27, and 522. Yet, they need the support of us South Brunswick residents to donate otherwise this mission well fail. http://centraljersey.com/articles/2009/02/12/south_brunswick_post/news/doc4994436241c08214277964.txt

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Roller Coaster Mayhem!!

In the Omega Unit we are building roller coasters for a physical science project. We have to use "Omega Money", fake money given to us by our teachers, to "buy" all of our materials. These materials are common household items such toilet paper rolls, rolls, cardboard, and tape. My group has basically finished our roller coaster. It's pretty cool and surprisingly demonstrates physical science well. The roller coaster shows potential energy, kinetic energy, and Newton's laws of motion. All in all, it's turning out to be a fun project and I hope my group well get a good grade. mayhem

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Jersey Senator says 900 billion dollar stimulus package would help the states ecnomy

http://forbes.com/feeds/ap/2009/02/02/ap5995986.html On February 2, 2009 New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez said that New Jersey unemployed would largely benefit from a 900 billion dollar stimulus package. This package includes $72 million dollars in worker training and services, $214 million dollars for unemployment insurance, $200 million dollars for emergency food assistance, and money would be used for emergency housing and health benefits. In the end, a package of $819 billion dollars was approved ,yet, no republican voted for it. In my opinion, I believe this package was a good idea and it well pave the road to fix our economy. Also, I believe it well help the unemployed to seek new jobs and to survive until they can fund themselves.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reflection and Refraction Labs

In Green Science we did multiple labs on reflection and refraction. Some of the labs included optical illusions, using rainbow glasses, and shining a flashlight on a bubble to see what colors come out. One of the cooler labs was using rainbow glasses and looking at white lights. When you did this it looked there was more of the lights except they were in the colors of the rainbow. Then, once you shined a flashlight and looked at that light it looked like there was a rainbow beam. All in all, it was fun and I actually learned about reflection and refraction. In my opinion fun and education is a great combo.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ladies and Gentelmen...BRACK OBAMA 44th PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How it Happened...

On January 20, 2009 one of the most historic events in American history took place. This event was the inauguration of our first African-American president Barack Obama who is now our 44th President. It was an extremely cold and bitter day but despite the weather millions of people showed up to support the new president and wittiness history. First, Vice President Joe Biden was sworn into office then President Barack Obama was sworn in. In his inaugural speech President Obama addressed the country's many issues. President Obama also said how we must unite as a people and begin the long struggle ahead of us.

The first article I read was from the New York Times website. This article talks mainly about the inaugural speech and not his full day. It capitalizes on how he brought out the mistakes we have made and blamed the whole country itself for not making critical decisions. Yet, the article states ",he was far less specific about how he would combine his lofty vision and his passion for pragmatism into urgently solutions." I believe this web article was looking for more straight forward plans and ideas instead President Obama just told the people of America to overcome this struggle we must be unified with each other and the world. Although, this article seemed to understand the daunting task that waits the new President.
In my second article from The Wall Street Journal it focuses on his whole inaugural day. It begins from his speech and how he has many issues to face from the economic crisis to the Middle East situation. It also talks about how far America has come from the civil rights movement and how an African-American can now become President.It then described the scene of the Mall and how many people who remember the Civil Rights Movement believe things have come in full circle. Yet, the article had something to say about the parade too, "for the most part on Tuesday, Mr.Obama and Washington enjoyed a rare moment of harmony." But still, President Obama began work right away by having meetings with his economic advisers and military officials on plans to withdraw the troops from Iraq. Lastly, President Obama has begun to draw up plans to shut down Guantanamo Bay. All in all, I believe President Obama made an excellent speech and the is much work to be down but with his leadership we will chance. YES WE CAN!!!!! http://www.nytimes.com/2009/%2001/21/us/plotics/21assess.html?ref=us

Thursday, January 8, 2009

House's on the MOOOOONNN!!!!????????? YES!?!?!?

On January 8, 2009 students at The College of Engineering at Virgina Tech created highly durable bricks. These bricks can be used for buildings on the moon. This will be used to design dome buildings for colonies on the moon. The bricks are made of lunar-rock like material mixed with aluminum powder that can be molded into any form. The invention won the In-Situ Lunar Resource Utilization award from PISCES a group dedicated to getting life on the moon. The brick is roughly 5in. by 2.5in. by 1in. and theoretical can be made into any size or shape. The brick can withstand 2,450lbs nearly the weight of a Ford Focus. Maybe they can also make roads on the moon then they can make Ferrari moon cars. That would be awesome!! Anyway, I believe with this new discovery we well be able to colonize the Moon. Maybe they can have football games on the moon!!!!! Now, that would be sick!! sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090106145348.htm