Tuesday, May 26, 2009

October Sky Response

In school recently the Omega unit watched the movie "October Sky". Now I am going to type a long response for science so please try to learn. IN the movie there are two major connections to science/math and this years character education traits. Firstly, the movie was about the boys aspiring to make a rocket. What inspired the boys to build a rocket you may ask? Well the movie takes place during the 1950's when the Russians launched the first space satellite Sputnik. This satellite became a major crisis for the Americans cause the US tried to send satellites into space but failed. So naturally Americas greatest enemy, the Russians, had gained the upper hand on the US. Thus leading to the creation of NASA and a renewed effort to explore space. Yet, not only did it do this it helped Homer Hickim to cooperate with his two good friends and the rocket geek Quintin to build a rocket. Now they first, got books on rocket building. Rocket Science is probably the most difficult job to master. You need a strong understanding in physics, math, many different types of engineering, and flight. So, how in the heck would a group of teens from a coal mine town in Virgina be able to learn all that? Well, with enough determination you can overcome any obstacle which these boys certainly did by eventually building a working rocket that did not explode, unlike many of the other rockets they built. Which brings up a good point about exploding rockets. In part of the movie the four boys are arrested because it is believed that one of their rockets started a forest fire near where the boys shot off their rockets. Yet, Homer was able to prove that it was not their rocket by using math!!!! By using calculus he showed where his rocket landed and found it the day they shot it off. Now, the amazing thing is he learned that in a coal mine during his breaks. Now that's, showing some assertion because even though it seemed Homer had lost all hope of a future outside the mines he still stayed positive and eventually proved he could find a great future as a rocket scientist. All in all, the movie October Sky was a quality film with connections to science and a lesson about character education and to never stop pursuing your dreams no matter what.

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